
Here, we dive deep into more spiritual musings, on topics like Personal Revival and True Education.

A Priority Shift

Revival is a bonfire – the sum total of all the candles put together on a hill. Is God our priority? In any committed relationship, the other person is your priority. You know this because you think about them every second. You wonder whether or not they’re looking at you across the room. You check your phone to see if

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Going Old School

As a student, I am interested in education. At the same time, I am so deeply uninterested in education. My interest comes from the fact that education has everything to do with the trajectory of my life. At the same time, my utter disinterest comes from the fact that school is . . . school. Sorry, I’m not sure how

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The Master’s Trade

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting in my truck waiting to go into class, contemplating what God wanted me to do when I stumbled across this quote: “The young man who is seeking a preparation for usefulness needs to lay the foundation himself by acquiring through hard, diligent labor, the means for prosecuting his designs. If

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A graduating class wearing their caps sits in the hall.

Prisoners of Hope: An Institutional Inauguration

Originally published in Issue 1: Preparation (January 2024) Revival and our Schools For well over a century, students of the Word have been praying and seeking for a much anticipated but rather-elusive revival exceeding even that of the apostles. We’ve seen promising glimpses of revival throughout history in the days of William Miller, John Wesley, and other Reformers. Though many

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Drops of Liquid Fire

Originally published in Issue 2: Reference (February 2024) The sparks began at Battle Creek College. Edward Sutherland, the recently-appointed president of this institution, had previously been leading Walla Walla College with an inspired innovation that strove to follow all the light he received through Ellen White. However, when he arrived at Battle Creek, he found that this Adventist institution was

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