Here, we dive deep into spiritual musings on topics like Personal Revival and True Education.
Read like it's the real thing

The Proper Order
Think about this question before reading any further: What do cars, armies, corporations, courtrooms, and the solar system all have in common? Seriously, think about it for a minute and see what answers you come up with. Perhaps you’re thinking, they all have something to do with people, but that’s not the answer. Maybe you’re thinking, each one must be moving in order

The Last Appeal
Eight tall shadows fall across the wooden ramp. The wood creaks as the family walks together up it, their eyes focused forward. Below them, a sea of humans hurls all manner of taunts and jeers at them. With quickening steps, the little family reaches the threshold of the ark and is about to enter when the Patriarch turns to face the mob. A sudden

An Ancient Inheritance
In December of 1746, John, an Anglican preacher, started a free medical dispensary[1] in London. Given the dismal condition of the health and hygiene among the poor of London, along with the equally dismal condition of the current hospitals and medical infirmaries, the free “medical clinic” was a booming success. The success of this first dispensary inspired him to continue setting up medical

“If I ever saw a miracle…”
The emergency alert, indicating TORNADO WARNING, instructed them all to immediately take shelter. Without another moment’s hesitation, Sarah, Dylan, and Jake all ran from their places of accommodation into the inner room of a basement, the three of them huddled over their phones, expectantly watching for any updates of the tornado’s movement. It was a little more than surprising, given

Going Viral
If the gospel were a YouTube video posted two thousand years ago, it could aptly be described as “gone viral.” The gospel of Christ reached literally every person on planet earth in a single generation.[1] Like COVID-19, it spread rapidly throughout the whole world, changing lives and crossing borders– political, linguistic, and cultural–with ease. In fact, the governor of Bithynia wrote regarding

A Greater Calling
(Originally printed as “Our Medical Workers and Our World-Wide Mission”, in [The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald], February 7, 1929.) Percy T. Magan, an early leading educator in the Seventh-Day Adventist church, was what some might call a radical reformer. Soon after co-founding Madison College, Magan was called to serve at the College of Medical Evangelists in Loma Linda, where

Owning Convictions, Breaking Addictions
“. . . So you think watching football is a sin?” I perceived it as an insult. “Well, of course not,” I would remark, usually leading off into another area of the conversation where I could avoid sharing my convictions with my friends. It hadn’t always been like this, as I had grown up being well acquainted with sports just

The Heart of the Issue
Recently, Vladimir Putin won the Russian election for presidency. In numbers, 15,759,224 people voted for him–87.97% of all the votes.[1] Must be a great guy, right? After all, a whopping majority voted for him. Compared to Biden, who only won 51% of the total votes in 2020,[2] Putin looks like the next global superstar. However, for us in the US, it’s not exactly hard

A Telling Relationship
The clock is ticking. Your very existence hinges upon one object: How long you can prevent the church from fully reflecting the image of Jesus, and thus delay Christ’s Second Coming and your demise.[1] If you were Satan, how would you try to prevent the Church from reflecting Christ’s image? What would be your primary method of attack? If you were

The Cross of Christ
(Originally printed in Oakland, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1894) The failure with many people is that they make a distinction between the cross of Christ and their own crosses. There is no cross that comes to any person on earth, except the cross of Christ. If we will always remember this, it will be life and joy to us.

Vignettes of a Life Well-Lived
The opulent room is starkly hollow, thousands of silent witnesses stilled in their revelries. Half-eaten animal carcasses litter tables once strewn with richest foods, the crimson wine which desecrated sacred golden vessels now staining the floor. Rising behind a tragic scene–the figure of a crowned cadaver, slumped and cold on a blood-stained throne–is a wall, odd figures carved high into

Glimpses of Glory
Insanity. That’s what the few onlookers thought as they watched him—relative to some, rich neighbor to others—head into the desert with his wife, nephew, and train of livestock and servants. What could be crazier than turning away from a comfortable and profitable life and setting out into the desert towards an unknown land and an insecure future? Besides, there were