
Here, we dive deep into more spiritual musings, on topics like Personal Revival and True Education.

Practically Peculiar

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…”[1] I can easily think of ways an emphasis on peculiarity has been used to justify eccentricity or, on the other hand, self-regard within Adventist circles. It can often

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Taming the Animal

We’ve spent time—hours upon hours of time—watching things we shouldn’t have been watching, reading things we shouldn’t have been reading, and doing things we shouldn’t have been doing. Let’s be real, our generation struggles. Perhaps not everyone’s secrets are all the same—but they’re still secrets.  “Confess your tresspasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be

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A Differential Diagnosis

(Originally printed as ‘Changes in Educational Standards’, in The Madison Survey, January 9, 1929) “There is nothing new under the sun,” said the wisest man that ever lived. Though we often consider the issues that the global Church faces in our current age to be novel, they tend to be repackaged or modern editions of the same difficulties our predecessors

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Stronger or Better?

Reading the stories of the kings of Judah is something of a rollercoaster ride. As I journey through the Chronicles, I have this feeling of hopeful suspense—will there finally be someone who does something right? Will anyone be faithful to God?  After about five questionable kings, King Uzziah’s ascension to the throne was a breath of fresh air. 2 Chronicles

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The Mammoth in the Room

After homeschooling for most of my life, my parents and I searched for a school where I could find strong academics as well as a supportive spiritual environment where I could complete my education. Upon discovery of and admission to a school that met all our requirements, I worked in the Registrar and Admissions departments for about three years. I

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Zebras, Not Horses

A patient comes in presenting with nausea, a dull headache, and generalized muscle weakness. After taking a temperature reading of 101, you give your diagnosis: They’ve inhaled anthrax. It’s clear, right? The symptoms correspond. Except that anthrax poisoning is extremely uncommon, and the most obvious—and reasonable—diagnosis is a viral infection presenting as fever symptoms.  “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses,

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O Arglwydd, Plyg Ni

Slate and glass. Early morning. A drizzle tap dances on the chapel roof, a September draft chilling the window panes. Though the space is cold, the air seems almost electrified by the words of the preacher; his words, though simple, cut straight to the heart. The young man sits, head tipped against hands folded in prayer—an unassuming figure in a

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Heads or Tails?

(Originally printed as ‘Madison’s Mission and Methods’, in The Madison Survey, March 10, 1920.) Ellen White called Madison College, founded in 1904, the best Adventist School in the entirety of the USA—a fact validated by it being the only school on whose board she served as a member. This institution was not only highly commended by Ellen White but first

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The Tindall Notes

Medical missionary work seems to be half-dead. Or at least, it doesn’t seem to be as alive as it should be—the real right hand of the gospel, drawing people to Christ. And while there are some valiant efforts, they appear few and far between. Our apparent shortcomings are often attributed to several issues: formidable structure in the healthcare system; shortage

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True North

What do you do when the mountaintop experience quickly turns into a valley? I still remember sitting on the bed in my mentor’s room, dissecting my recent experiences with the youth ministry. In the previous years, we had held biannual weekend youth retreats, put on by youth, for youth. We had powerful speakers, beautiful music, delicious food—and more than that,

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Four colors, four tones, one goal: remember the pattern. Some may remember this as the classic Hasbro game, Simon. In this game, players test their working memory by watching a circular device with four lighted panels as it spits out a series of sequential patterns. With each round, the series of synchronized tones and flashes become one unit longer, and

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The Impact of True Education

(originally printed as ‘Helpful Writings on Christian Education’, in the Review and Herald, 10 January 1946) As Adventists, we have something of a love-hate relationship with the fact that our church is closely linked with the Spirit of Prophecy. Some feel that the prophetic gift is the best thing since sliced bread. Others feel that it leaves a bad mark

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