
Here, we dive deep into more spiritual musings, on topics like Personal Revival and True Education.

A Telling Relationship

The clock is ticking. Your very existence hinges upon one object: How long you can prevent the church from fully reflecting the image of Jesus, and thus delay Christ’s Second Coming and your demise.[1] If you were Satan, how would you try to prevent the Church from reflecting Christ’s image? What would be your primary method of attack? If you were

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The Cross of Christ

(Originally printed in Oakland, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1894) The failure with many people is that they make a distinction between the cross of Christ and their own crosses. There is no cross that comes to any person on earth, except the cross of Christ. If we will always remember this, it will be life and joy to us.

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Vignettes of a Life Well-Lived

The opulent room is starkly hollow, thousands of silent witnesses stilled in their revelries. Half-eaten animal carcasses litter tables once strewn with richest foods, the crimson wine which desecrated sacred golden vessels now staining the floor. Rising behind a tragic scene–the figure of a crowned cadaver, slumped and cold on a blood-stained throne–is a wall, odd figures carved high into

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Glimpses of Glory

Insanity. That’s what the few onlookers thought as they watched him—relative to some, rich neighbor to others—head into the desert with his wife, nephew, and train of livestock and servants. What could be crazier than turning away from a comfortable and profitable life and setting out into the desert towards an unknown land and an insecure future? Besides, there were

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High Stakes, Rarely Well-Done

Fast food seems to have done a better job conquering the world than Alexander the Great did—out of the 195 countries in the world today,[1] McDonalds has found its way into 118.[2] Fast food has become so prevalent that a 2018 CDC study found that more than one in three Americans consume it daily.[3] Logically, as fast food consumption has increased, the amount of home cooked–and

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God’s Easiest Challenge

The first thing that hits you is the heat. I am walking through a foliage-filled clearing on an unkept path, palm trees on your sides stretching up into the sky, with multiple carabaos grazing so close you can almost reach out and touch them. Currently, two other missionaries and I are making our way to a Visayan community, filled with

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Big Small Things

I was startled by the question: “Are you going to be a missionary when you grow up?” I couldn’t seem to make sense of it—What did they think a “missionary” was? Was I not already a missionary? I grew up at a self-supporting institution where I heard about foreign missions all the time. At the same time, I was also told

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A Perfect Portrait

“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, And the day of vengeance

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Back in Touch

Click. Click. Finally it’s turned in, and what a relief to have my assignment accomplished. As I sit at my desk, I relish the thought of a few minutes of reprieve, and begin to imagine some time to sit down and finally think about my life and what’s happening—but no, not for now; the next quiz is due in a

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To Have and To Hoard

Why did God call me to study theology when I knew I was going into business? It seems like those two ideas don’t go very well together in today’s culture. We leave the businessman to do his thing in the office, and the pastor and church leaders to worry about winning souls. Instead of separating the mission from our daily

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An Industry of Industries

(originally printed as ‘Our colleges and academies’, in The Christian Educator, September-October 1897) Most institutions make themselves profitable by profiting off their students; high tuition, mounting rooming costs, and extortionate meal plan prices subsidize salaries and foster a culture of consumption. Students become customers, the school a hub of advertisement seeking to gain the business of their unwitting target audience.

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Sweat Pays

In moments of intense effort and sacrifice – when you can feel sweat dripping down your brow – we often discover the value of our labor. I remember vividly the day I dug a massive hole—a task that left me exhausted but immensely satisfied. My sore muscles, sweat, and even bruises showcased how much work I had put into the task.

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