
Here, we dive deep into spiritual musings on topics like Personal Revival and True Education.

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Online Articles

Corrupt or Converted?

“If numbers were an evidence of success, Satan might claim the pre-eminence; for in this world his followers are largely in the majority. It is the degree of moral power pervading a school that is a test of its prosperity.”[1]  Judas, like many ambitious students, applied to the school he thought held the most promise of worldly success. The Messiah’s mission school was certainly

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A True Definition

I once attended an evangelism seminar where a peculiar view of missionary work was taught. According to the presenter, one is considered a missionary only if they leave their vocation and professional work to go to unreached areas to evangelize and found churches. To me, this sounded overly simplistic. I was left contemplating, if “every truly-converted soul is born into the kingdom

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Online Articles

Something Better

I have had the immense privilege of being homeschooled my entire school life. From volunteering at a local farm to rehabilitating a young bird; every unique experience which homeschooling has afforded me has affirmed my appreciation for my parents and their choice to personally instruct me in the way that I should go. Homeschooling has allowed me to spend time

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A Working Blueprint

Oftentimes, when we think of the term “medical missionary”, an image is conjured of a physician working in the remote jungles of Africa, the Amazon, or Southeast Asia. We believe that there are only two career paths to be taken by young people who have been given the gift of intelligence and the burden to study medicine—hospital work or foreign

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A Deadly Divorce

What is a marriage? A marriage is the union of two separate individuals in an intimate, lifelong relationship of unified purpose and love. The first example of marriage is found in the book of Genesis; “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”[1] When individuals are joined together

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Twenty-first Century Pioneers

It was Monday afternoon, and my excitement grew as I prepared to interview one of the Bible workers from the Total Wellness program. All summer, I had heard small snippets of the work that they had been doing, but now I would finally have an opportunity to hear stories and details of their experience. As soon as I sat down to interview

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A Call Goes Forth

“We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of medical missionary work.”[1]  When this small but mighty quote was first shared with me, I was stunned because “every member of the church”[2] includes not just the ones who are in the medical field or the ones serving as missionaries overseas—but even those who are up front on the

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Stacking Evidence

“He’s lying.” “No, he’s lying!” “No! He’s lying!!!” Perhaps you’ve witnessed an argument like this between two children before. Imagine the frustration you would feel if you were the child who was actually telling the truth. How could you convince your parents that you weren’t the one lying? This situation is not unique to humankind. God found Himself in this same scenario a long

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Blended Evangelism: Laodicea’s Remedy

Today’s surrender to God’s will is tomorrow’s path for success. This is particularly true in ministry that is to produce revival and a system of selfless service. “When the cities are worked as God would have them, the result will be the setting in operation of a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed.”[1] Such was the case for arguably the most influential physicians in

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Fulfilling Christ’s Prayer

(originally published as ‘Christ Man’s Example’ in the Review and Herald, July 5, 1887) Jesus prayed for His future disciples, including His end-time Church, “that they all may be one… [so] that the world may believe that You sent Me.”[1] Notice that Jesus stakes the world’s acceptance of Him upon the unity of the Church. When the Church is one, the world will

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Our Will Vs. God’s Will

Have you ever been in a church where going on outreach with your fellow church members moved slower than molasses and was more painful than having teeth pulled? Maybe your church is shrinking, but you can’t seem to steal enough youth from the other Adventist churches to bring in the crowds. Or did your church recently split because a disagreement

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In Times of War

On January 20, 1961, over twenty thousand Americans huddled in the sub-freezing temperatures of Washington D.C., watching as the Supreme Court clerk held up the large Fitzgerald family Bible. The white marble of America’s Capitol building bleakly blended with the deep snows around; the top of its dome was lashed by the arctic winds. The cold weather likely reminded more

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