Sponsor Weimar

Weimar University

Students and staff at Weimar University have been meeting for over three years, fervently praying for revival and reformation. While their prayers have been primarily that God would guide Weimar to more closely implement God’s plan for true education, they’ve recognized an even greater need for true revival and true education among Adventist students generally. Out of these prayers, Prisoners of Hope was born. 

Currently, students are meeting 2-3 times per week to study, pray and plan ways to implement various initiatives — especially united prayer —, ministry opportunities for surrounding churches and church plants, and educational reform. They are now working alongside staff to intensify the industrial program, which leaders hope will become a way by which future students can both pay their way through school and learn marketable skills. 

Donors have already sponsored 4 boxes of Prisoners of Hope magazines (320 copies, averaging 80 copies each month, enough for most interested students to receive a copy). 

Sponsor 10 issues — $30
Sponsor 50 issues — $100
Sponsor Weimar for 6 months — $840


320 copies distributed
9 authors