Online-Only Articles
Exclusively online articles which have not been printed in our magazine.

Corrupt or Converted?
“If numbers were an evidence of success, Satan might claim the pre-eminence; for in this world his followers are largely in the majority. It is the degree of moral power pervading a school that is a test of its prosperity.”[1] Judas, like many ambitious students, applied to the school he thought held the most promise of worldly success. The Messiah’s mission school was certainly

A True Definition
I once attended an evangelism seminar where a peculiar view of missionary work was taught. According to the presenter, one is considered a missionary only if they leave their vocation and professional work to go to unreached areas to evangelize and found churches. To me, this sounded overly simplistic. I was left contemplating, if “every truly-converted soul is born into the kingdom

Something Better
I have had the immense privilege of being homeschooled my entire school life. From volunteering at a local farm to rehabilitating a young bird; every unique experience which homeschooling has afforded me has affirmed my appreciation for my parents and their choice to personally instruct me in the way that I should go. Homeschooling has allowed me to spend time