
Revival and True Education in this Generation.

Return to the stronghold, you Prisoners of Hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.

Zechariah 9:12


God gave us the vision. We’ve been commissioned to follow it. Prisoners of Hope is produced by students and for students who thirst for revival and reformation and a finished work in this generation.


It’s easy to point fingers and complain when we see worldliness creeping into our congregations and educational centers. Instead of despairing in the darkness, we want to light a candle. God is calling us as students and institutions back to our original purpose: mission. We believe that He is calling on this generation to finish the work. Our prayer is that in publishing and implementing God’s plans for true education, a great revival and missionary movement will emerge from our increasingly secular educational institutions in our lifetime. 


We are working with students and graduates from numerous Adventist schools, first to publish and then to raise up faithful companies who by God’s grace are working to implement His plans in places where they have been largely abandoned or perhaps never heard of before. 

Our mission is to promote revival and educational reform–especially in our academies, colleges, and universities. Step by step these institutions have become more and more like the world, but we believe all are prisoners of hope, and if we will respond to our Father and Guide, He will bring us back to our upright position of distinction, accomplishing His mission through us. 

Meet The Team

Rianna Davis

Vice President

Ellen White said that an army of rightly trained youth will finish the work, but the problem is that we haven’t been ‘rightly trained’. Having been born and raised in the UK, Rianna knows first-hand how very easy it is for young Adventists to live comfortable lives without ever really knowing God or risking anything for Him. She left the church as a teenager, but God has brought her back and given her a greater calling for her life: youth ministry, an essential mode of education. For Rianna, Prisoners of Hope’s call to mission is a mandate from God. It enables Him to use her passion for writing and her background in editorial and publishing, combining them both in a heart which is burning to share His Spirit and truth with other youth who, like her, have long journeyed with a warped vision of who God really is.

Christian Charles


Born and raised as an Adventist, Christian understands that one of the greatest issues in the world is a superficial, lifeless knowledge of God. As a canvasser, his faith was tested and strengthened, but only after studying the message of righteousness by faith did Christian experience a paradigm shift that lit in him a fiery passion for evangelism and revival. While studying at schools that seek to follow a biblical education model, he realized that the Message has farther-reaching implications than most realize. Christian believes that if God’s standard is upheld in education— if teachers and students are dedicated to reformation—revival would sweep through the church and transform the world at large. His hope is that God would use his gifts at Prisoners of Hope to assist and advance the messages of true education, righteousness by faith, and above all, the overwhelming depth of God’s love.

Isaac Kronk

Interim Payroll Advisor

Growing up attending public school, God taught Isaac how to stand up for his faith and live by strict Biblical principles even though no one else around him did. God taught him to stand in the world’s educational institutions like the three Hebrews on the plain of Dura, refusing to compromise principle. Today, Isaac is alarmed by the amount of worldliness in our Adventist educational institutions. He is saddened to see some of the very things he had to take a stand against in public schools being done in Adventist schools, contrary to the Scriptures and Spirit of Prophecy. For him, Prisoners of Hope is an avenue to bring revival and reformation to our schools with the hope of producing that final generation of young people who count the world as rubbish and who are fully sold out for Jesus Christ.

Nathanael Jensen


Peter said the church has both a privilege and an obligation to look for but also to hasten Christ’s second coming. However, reaching the whole world in one generation can’t happen “by might or power” but only by God’s Spirit. Nathan is burdened to see this final outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this generation. Growing up in rural Iowa, he has been heavily involved in youth activities and youth leadership with Pathfinders for nearly a decade. Having attended both Adventist academy and university, he sees the incredible power of true education but also the far-reaching consequences of departure from God’s vision. In his commitment to serving in missions to the unreached, he has been blessed to work as a Bible, health, and agriculture teacher abroad. He sees Prisoners of Hope as an answer to the earnest, united prayers of God’s people, especially youth, for revival and reformation in this generation.

Dailyn Patiño

Secretary and Assistant Editor

Raised as a missionary kid, Dailyn has always had a passion for missions and service. She had known that education was an important foundation for serving the Lord, but she had never heard about how the work of education, medical missions, and salvation are all one. When she first learned of the importance of these elements and how they are intrinsically linked, she knew that the Lord was calling her to dedicate her life to this combined service. After working for a year as a student missionary in Cambodia, she has been convinced that now, more than ever, there is a great need for laborers willing and ready to go into the fields ripe for harvest. She has since had a strong passion for sharing the light that God has shown her with her peers in the hope that they will also catch the vision.

Nathania Leon


Nathania was raised in the church by a godly family, who instilled in her the importance of living a life of daily sanctification and pointing others to the Savior. Having been homeschooled through most of her elementary and all her high school years, Nathania was blessed with an excellent educational experience that shaped her desire to live a life dedicated to Jesus. Hence, her college experience began with her determination to become a medical missionary. However, at college, God has been revealing to her His high standards for redemption and education. Nathania now desires to see all God’s people return to Him and His blueprint for true education that together they might be the “last generation”. Through Prisoners of Hope magazine, she sees God’s fulfillment of His desires to save her, as well as her desire to point others to Jesus. She believes that God has raised up Prisoners of Hope to bring youth and adults alike to the realization of “our greatest need” – revival.

Trey Wilkes

Design Assistant

A sheet of paper and a pencil- for as long as he can remember, art has been a major part of Trey’s life. Through the light patches and dark shadows in his life, he can see how God combined different shades to make a beautiful masterpiece. Trey has felt God’s calling to come to a higher knowledge of Him and to become a laborer for the Lord. He realized that to fan the spark of revival and reformation into a flame, true Biblical education must occur in his life. Trey’s greatest goal in life is to follow God’s guidance and to lead others to know the Lord’s saving power. He hopes that as he works with the Prisoners of Hope team, the Lord may use him to spread the message of revival and salvation to the world through the illustrated page.

Monique Pintos

Head of Design

Lord, that’s my family! There are people we know and love who may not be in heaven. Can we bear to see them lost? What of the countless other people who are human beings with thoughts and feelings, just like us, yet without hope? Monique has been through the dark valley many young people have trodden. She knows the joy of finding Jesus as her own personal Savior, but for her, this is not enough. Her heart breaks to think of all the other people who are wandering lost, and she feels God’s calling to reach as many of them as possible, including her own extended family. God gave her artistic talents, and being part of the design and illustration team of Prisoners of Hope enables her to use these skills to fulfill the call to arms that God’s trumpet has sounded.

Jared Ratcliff

Website Director and Logistics Coordinator

After working with youth ministries in the United States and teaching elementary school for several years abroad, Jared has cultivated a deep love for children and an ardent desire to see His young friends accept Jesus. He understands the misconceptions of God that young people in our church too often have, and sees Prisoners of Hope as a spark, a tool to relight the fire of relationship with God and revive His church. Jared’s experience with website design and management allows him to build and run the technical foundation of the organization, and to employ this platform to spread the call for revival. Ultimately, he hopes to see this magazine and message reach our youth with the hope of a God who inexpressibly loves them.

Darren Anderson

Media Director

As someone who has spent significant time in the mission field, I recognize that Jesus has called us to do His work… the right way. I am part of Prisoners of Hope because I believe that when we truly find God’s method of doing His work, we and the people around us will be transformed.

Robin Choi


Moving to the US at five years old, Robin grew up attending several public and private schools, even spending his senior year of high school homeschooling. His experience showed him the benefits and shortcomings of each type of education. As a result, one of his greatest burdens is that young people would receive the truest education possible to safeguard against the dangers of secularization as well as a life of religious forms without the power. Robin has tasted some of the blessings of biblical education while in college and believes God is calling him to keep aiming for “something better” while sharing his findings in education as well as in medical missionary work with others. Prisoners of Hope has inspired Robin to believe that God will bring His people back to “the old paths, where the good way is”, and he wants to use his talents to further that cause.

Christine Martins


There is consistently seen in the world today, and especially in the youth, a lack of true conversion. Too often there is a disconnect between the theory and the practice, a lack of a living connection with Christ, no heart throbbing with love for Jesus. Having experienced this type of religion herself and then undergoing the transformative power of getting to know Christ’s character, Christine is passionate about seeing a revival come about in God’s people and doing anything in her power to make it happen. She has also experienced the frustration of seeing typos and long run-on sentences in written material due to a lack of attention to these details, so she is passionate about seeing Adventist material well represented by being accurate. That is why she is so grateful for the chance to participate in the mission of Prisoners of Hope, blending her talents with a desire to share revival with the world.

Melissa Lemus


Growing up outside the faith and without knowing the Truth, Melissa understands firsthand how the absence of true education and revival holds back God’s work. Reflecting on her own experience, she believes that if the Adventist institutions around her had been more rooted in these two pillars, the message of the Gospel could have reached her earlier, bringing much-needed comfort and peace during challenges where only the Truth can truly heal and guide. This understanding drives her to contribute to Prisoners of Hope, a magazine she believes has been
divinely appointed for such a time as this. Through her involvement with the magazine, Melissa hopes for a movement that will not only reach individuals but also contribute to restoring schools and institutions to their God-given purpose, becoming beacons of light in a world of need.